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Digital Crosshairs Blog

Henry Thursday, December 26, 2024

Good morning, Levi in Perry Fl got to harvest his first deer ever thanks to you Henry at

Levi has some physical disabilities with his vision and body movement. I met him and have only known him a little over a month. Great young man with great attitude. Mentally he is as stable as anyone. He was in a bad car wreck that took the lives of his mother and brother. I am so thankful I found your digital cross hair system on the internet. Levi wanted to harvest his first deer but was having difficulties. Attached are some  pictures of the Ruger 308 rifle I set up along with your cross hair system. I will be using your system a lot on my preserve to help disabled kids enjoy hunting. I know you see these testimonies a lot. Ours are no different but I wanted to thank you so much for a great product. I do not know how to get the video downloaded from my phone but will be ordering the video attachment and extra battery pack first of the year. I tired to tag you on my Facebook page but I couldn’t do that either. I need a tech savvy kid…lol… face book page is MikeSandy Hunter I have it on there. Levi harvested his first ever deer on 12/23/2024. He is hooked and so is his dad.

Thank you so much and God bless,

Mike Hunter

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