Hog hunting in Alapaha Ga.
Great hunt this week at Owen Farm Hunting Preserve in Alapaha Ga. using Digital Crosshairs 1000 night vision clip-on. Very exciting riding around in a truck with my guide to multiple sites and then getting out and stalking hogs he see on his thermal monocular. I use my Digital Crosshairs 1000S but you can bring your own stuff or use their thermal. Anyway you go, it is the best out in the corn fields, cotton fields, and peanut fields of South Georgia hunt you can go on! Check them out at https://www.alapahahunting.com/
When I take a break from the grind I am either hunting or fishing. On this hunt we used thermal monoculars to spot hogs up to 1000 yards across field in Southern Georgia. Then the hunt is on. Walking and stalking up on them in the dark of night. Hogs down there ususally don't come out till around 11pm and sure enough I got this one about 11:30. That night the wind was blowing pretty hard so it was either our friend covering our sound and smell or the hogs friend blowing our scent around in circles spooking them.
I took this lone boar in the middle of a peanut field rooting things up. Although I hit him twice he still ran over 100 yards and back up into some thick woods. Thanks to my guides at Owen Farm Hunting Preserve, this one was on the table last night and tastin great! I soaked the meat in ice water and vinager for about three days, cause that's the way I do. It came out great.
Happy Hunting!
Henry @ Digital FOV, LLC maker of Digital Crosshairs 1000 night vision clip-on